
SYK PVC Poly Pipe Cutter Poly Cutter Pemotong Paip Gunting Paip PVC Pemotong PVC Alat Paip Kerja Memasang Paip



SKU: 17477

Weight(grams): 500

Dimension: 10 cm (Length) x 26 cm (Width) x 5 cm (Height)

We are Malaysia’s leading hardware supplier, to understand in detail about SYK PVC Poly Pipe Cutter Poly Cutter Pemotong Paip Gunting Paip PVC Pemotong PVC Alat Paip Kerja Memasang Paip, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to answer any inquiries you have.

 Inquiry - SYK PVC Poly Pipe Cutter Poly Cutter Pemotong Paip Gunting Paip PVC Pemotong PVC Alat Paip Kerja Memasang Paip